Rare Chickens

Rare chicken breeds are simply breeds that are either new to the scene, or older breeds who’s numbers have fallen to levels that makes it difficult to find them. We specialize in both. Our current breeds are as follows: Russian Pavlovskaya, Lavender ameraucana, Silver Spangled Apenzeller, French Copper maran, Red Phoenix, and Millie flour d’uccle.

We primarily Sell hatching eggs, but occasionally will have surplus birds or chicks available for sale. These are primarily available for local sale. If your interested in availability of any of our breeds please txt or call me 517-230-1827. Our pricing can be found in each of our breed specific pages as well as here. Shipping is $20. This sounds like a lot for shipping, however for eggs USPS is the only carrier approved legally to ship hatching eggs and birds. We Ship Priority express and eggs are individually wrapped in paper towel first then bubble wrap and then placed into insulation material to keep the eggs from moving at all during shipping. This box is then taped and goes into yet another box to provide a crush zone in case the package gets dropped or kicked. We have had excellent results and have had very few shipments ever get damaged. We also always send extras over the amount paid for just in case. see pictures below of our shipping process.

We are a NPIP certified facility. I am also a state certified pullorum tester. For more information on what Pullorum is and why its important to buy from flocks that are tested click below https://www.merckvetmanual.com/poultry/salmonelloses/pullorum-disease-in-poultry

Russian Pavlovskaya: $80 per dozen

Lavender ameraucana, $60 per dozen

French Copper Maran: $70 per dozen

Silver Spangled Apenzeller: $50 per dozen

Red Phoenix: $40 per dozen

Millie fleur d’uccle: $50 per dozen